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Cardio Pulmonary Test

Today (Friday 30th August 2024) I had my Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test, this was to find out if my shortness of breath was down to my lungs or my heart.

My appointment was at 10am I first had to follow a nurse to get my weight and height after this was done I was taken into the room to meet the consultant who would carry out the test he made sure I understood what the test was for and how it would be carried out he explained it all in detail in terms I would understand leaving out all the medical jargon.

Once he explained everything I had to first do a breathing test this part was to determine if the shortness of breath was due to my lungs after a few goes he mentioned my lungs were normal he then asked me to step onto the bike and explained how it would be done mentioning each step about having a blood pressure band on then ECG wires and finally the mask to measure how much oxygen I was breathing.

My mum asked if it was ok with them if I could have a photo taken for my memories and health journey and they was really polite saying that's not a problem just let them know when you want to take it and we'll step out of the way for you. Once i was all hooked up to the machine the consultant asked "Are you ready to take that photo now?" so my mum got up and took a photo he then asked if she got enough photos and if they turned out ok he had a look and said oh yes you're looking great on that bike its a good photo.

Photo taken of me on the Bike during my Test!

The test started with me slowly pedalling and making sure the bikes height was comfy for me i then had to keep my pedal speed at around "60" easier said than done. I was between 50's and low 60s most of the time as my legs started to ache more like I was riding up a steep hill and was becoming more breathless I had to try do this for about 10mins but did not achieve this because i had to stop as it got harder to carry on.

I had to continue to pedal while they changed the settings of the bike because if I had stopped fully I'd feel faint so it had to be stopped gradually. I was then asked to sit back down on the chair while I recovered during this time the consultant was going through the results and the female nurse was wiping and cleaning the bike and all equipment including wires which was good to see.

He came over and explained that It was a good test my heart was just in the ok margin and also told me that I had a Mis-shaped Heart Valve which is "Severe" and also a Leaking Heart Valve and he told me that if both valves were in the severe range then it would 100% be an urgent surgery sooner than later. but because there is a balance it was up to my Cardiologist to determine next steps as she will put all my results together which will include my recent ECG, my MRI Results and the Exercise test to decide what will happen next moving forward he mentioned that surgery is not being ruled out as this could still happen.

He made sure I understood everything in terms I'd understand due to my Autism leaving out all the medical jargon and answering any questions he wanted to make sure I left feeling satisfied taking the time out to talk to me about everything before I left. after we left we headed to the hospital café to get a drink but as we got there it was closed due to the hospital fire alarms going off.

The Fire Service was in the cafe and security at the door not letting anyone in told them I only wanted a coffee so we waited at the door once fire service left the security guy said you can go grab your coffee now enjoy! I got my coffee and had a sit down before heading home I now have to wait for an appointment to be arranged to speak with my Cardiologist to find out what next steps will be chosen.

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